Apps on BCPS Devices

Interactive SmartBoard MATH Lessons

Here is a site containing wonderful Math resources for your SmartBoard use created by Harvey Almarode. Harvey works at James Madison University primarily teaching mathematics methods and strategies for seniors and graduate students in the Elementary Education Department. Harvey has created some engaging and interactive SmartBoard Lessons to help teach your students math skills. He has them conveniently organized by math objective and incorporates student manipulatives, instructional strategies, and problem solving into his lessons. He has some clever teaching techniques (check out the lesson, Telling Time with a Broken Clock ) that will be sure to help your students master even the trickiest math concepts.

Also, be sure to tune in to Harvey's latest podcast, Get Smart with SmartBoards, where he teams up with James Hollis, creator of Teachers Love SmartBoards blog. In each podcast episode, Harvey and James give you interesting website resources, Smart Notebook applications, and terrific tips and tricks to use while creating your own Smart Notebook lessons. You don't want to miss it!


Kim Larsen said...

These are amazing resources, Debbie!

Anonymous said...

What necessary words... super, a brilliant phrase