Apps on BCPS Devices

Update to Remind 101

Remind 101 Adds Support for Sending Text Messages to Subgroups

Remind 101 has been busy to start 2014. Earlier this month they introduced the option to download your message history as a PDF. This week they introduced the option to send text messages to subgroups of students and parents. Previously you could only send messages to your entire class list. Now you can send text messages to a group as small as three students and parents. When you use this new feature that Remind 101 calls "send a few" you still have all of the protections of Remind 101's system that hides your real phone number from students and hides your students' phone numbers from you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I use this with my students and it's amazing how much more HW comes in! Also, parents seem very appreciative of the constant updates. Safe AND effective :)