Apps on BCPS Devices

An EASY way to post homework assignments to your webpage!

Don't you hate all the time it takes to post your calendar on your webpage?
You write your assignments on the board. Now you have to spend time typing them into your calendar page of your website.
1. If you don't have a gmail account, go create one.  
You can't use your school email account since Picasa is blocked. You need Picasa to store pictures. So go to : and create a new gmail account. Make sure you have signed out of your school Google Docs account before you try this! If you have problems with this, contact me. You only have to do this once and it is the hardest part of this process!!
2. Set up a Blogger Account.                     
Go to and set up your own blog. It is free. It is super easy. You can use your school email to set up the account. You can name it anything. I would suggest your last name and homework (i.e. so you can use it from year to year.
3. Link this page to your webpage in SharpSchool.  
Make a new External Link page under your main page called "Homework" or something of the sort. Link the page to the new web address of your new blog. If you have two different classes, you can put all your assignments on one page. If you can write it all on your board, you can put it all on one homework page. Remember: we are trying to make this EASY!!
Note: Don't make a SharpSchool blog page. That won't work as easily.
4. Install the blogger app on your smart phone.                   
There is a blogger app for android and iphone, and ipad or ipods. If you don't have any of those, you could use a camera... but it won't be as smooth. After you install the app, link it to your new blog by entering your gmail address.
5. Now take a picture of the homework assignment written on your board.               
Using your smartphone, in your blogger account, there should be a choice at the top of the screen to use a camera.
Take a picture of your board.
If it is a good picture, select "Use Photo".
Put in the date where it says "Post Title".
Touch the paper airplane at the top of the screen to publish. 
From now on you only have to open blogger on your phone or ipod/ipad, take a picture of your board and hit the paper airplane to post!
Simple! It should take you less than 30 seconds...
To see an example of what your blog will look like, go to:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is great Heidi! Thank you for posting. I will be sharing this post with my teachers!